Jamaican campaigners accuse the Queen of perpetuating slavery in a letter asking the Duke and Duchess to atone for colonialism during the Caribbean tour.
A coalition of Jamaican politicians and business leaders has called for the open-letter to the British monarchy in order to apologize and pay reparations for slavery, as the country celebrates 60 years of independence.
The visit of Prince William and Kate is considered a charm offensive in order to persuade Caribbean countries not to follow Barbados , removing the Queen head of state.
The letter stated that “We are concerned about your visit to Jamaica during a time when we are still experiencing a pandemic and bracing ourselves for the full effect of another global crisis related to the Russian/Ukraine conflict.”
“We don’t see any reason to celebrate 70 years since the ascension to the British throne of your grandmother. Her leadership and that of her predecessors has led to the greatest human rights disaster in human history.”
The Advocates Network is expected to protest outside the British High Commission Kingston on Tuesday to coincide with the arrival of the royals in Jamaica. They will be staying in Jamaica until Thursday, when they will leave for the Bahamas.
The letter asks the Queen and UK government to apologize for British crimes against humanity. This includes the exploitation of Jamaican indigenous peoples, transatlantic trafficking in Africans, the enslavement, colonialization, and indentureship.
It refers to an “offensive” and “insensitive” 2015 address by David Cameron, then prime minister. In it, he asked Jamaica to “move forward from this painful legacy”, and praised British leadership in ending “horrors and slavery”.

The letter notes that William and Kate are “direct beneficiaries” of the wealth accumulated over centuries by the royal family. It urges them to “redefine the relationship between Britain’s monarchy and the peoples of Jamaica”. This begins by acknowledging the need to atone and make reparations.
This is in contrast to the Queen’s failure “redress and atone” for the suffering of her ancestors during her 70-year tenure on the throne.
The controversy surrounding the tour is raging. After opposition from locals, the royals were forced to cancel their first trip to Belize.
Windrush campaigners and Caribbean experts have called on the royals for assistance in severing ties with the monarchy. They claim this hinders their ability to achieve true independence.
On Monday, the Cambridges will visit ancient Maya Maya ruins deep within Belize’s heartland. The couple will also be attending a reception to celebrate the Queen’s platinum anniversary hosted by the governor General of Belize at Cahal Pech Maya Ruins, near San Ignacio. William will give a speech.
The couple spent their first day in Belize touring a cocoa farm, and dancing during a cultural visit at a village nearby.