Who remembers growing up in Jamaica or anywhere in the Caribbean and owned these books? They were considered to be the best resources for learning English and Social Studies. Most people acknowledge that these gems are still the best English and Social Studies text books. I would agree and that is why we are recommending getting these books for your children. As we approach the Jamaica Independence milestone for 60 years lets highlight some of the academic resources that helped to educate our people.
Junior English Revised

All the comprehensions are related to topics of interest to both boys and girls. They have been selected from the works of recognized Caribbean and international children’s authors.
The Junior English Revised book contains lists of the parts of speech, opposites, synonyms, homophones, proverbs, abbreviations, idioms, etc. which every pupil should know before leaving Junior School. The practice tests in New Junior English Revised provide ample material which is geared towards material found in modern examination papers. Included are twenty Comprehension Tests, carefully graded according to difficulty.
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The comprehension tests include vocabulary items and the questions are all objective-type. New Junior English Revised supports the Caribbean Junior English course, and reinforces all other language courses.

Junior English Revised will prepare your child thoroughly for the English exams. Alterations have been made to most items in the exercises in an effort to correct bias of any sort, as well as to make them more relevant to the exams
The New First Aid in English

New First Aid in English is a useful reference tool that can be used wherever English Language is taught or spoken. It covers vocabulary, spelling, syntax and correct usage.
There are also a variety of exercises that can be used to test your knowledge and skills. The structure and approach of this second edition are the same as the first edition, but the information has been updated to reflect international readers.
Collins Social Studies Atlas for Jamaica

Collins Social Studies Atlas for Jamaica was prepared specifically to support social studies and geography courses at upper primary and lower secondary levels throughout the Caribbean.
Whether the student lives in Jamaica, the wider Caribbean or anywhere in the world, this book offers tremendous knowledge and especially provides appreciation for children of Jamaican expatriates living abroad.

The atlas is fully illustrated and includes the most up to date reference and thematic mapping of the countries within the Caribbean Community as well as the broader Caribbean region. Maps are fully supported with illustrations, photographs and data. World maps cover international issues which have a bearing on Caribbean development.
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