As we approach Jamaica’s 60th anniversary in August 2022 we highlight a legal profession and list the steps of how one can become an Attorney-at-Law in Jamaica.
It is not an easy job to become an Attorney-at-Law. In order to become an Attorney-at-Law you need to have a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LL. B) which qualifies you to obtain admission to the law school. Upon successful completion of Law school and having met all the requirements with the General Legal Council an Application is made to the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica to be called to the
bar as an Attorney-at-Law.

Jamaica Sixty sat down with Shantal English, an attorney-at-law, who provided valuable insights into what the process of becoming an Attorney-at-Law in Jamaica entails.

Jam Sixty: What is your current role /title?
English: I am an Attorney-at-Law and Copyright and Related Rights Manager at the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office.
Jam Sixty: Do you enjoy your job and why?
English: I love my job because it gives me an opportunity to assist citizens of Jamaica by guiding them on intellectual property law with specific focus on copyright and related rights.
Jam Sixty: What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job?
English: The most fulfilling aspect of my job is the opportunity every day to guide and assist citizens and to see everyone that I share Intellectual property information with expressing gratitude whether it is a student, a family member or a stranger.
Jam Sixty: What is the most frustrating aspect of your job?
English: To date, I do not find any aspect of my job frustrating, in fact, I feel a sense of satisfaction on a daily basis.
Jam Sixty: When did you decide to become an Attorney-at-Law and why?
English: I decided to become an Attorney-at-Law when I was in high school. I am passionate about helping others and I am a natural advocate and I believe that I could be the voice for the voiceless.
Jam Sixty: What are the academic pre-requisites?
English: The pre-requisites to do law include five CSEC subjects including Mathematics and English and two units of any CAPE subject.

Jam Sixty: What are good personality traits to have for this career?
English: It is important to be disciplined, focused, passionate about reading and dedicated to the goal.
Jam Sixty: What was the application process like and what does it entail?
English: The application process was simple for me. I went through the University of the West Indies website and to the Faculty of Law and followed the instructions which were clear and easy to follow. I would encourage students to begin the application early as they would need to recount their education history.
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Jam Sixty: Briefly explain the studying process: how many years required, internship etc.
English: It requires three (3) years to complete the Bachelors of Law Degree, following which an application is made to the Norman Manley Law School. There is a two (2) year period of study at the law school. Upon completion of the Legal Education Certificate from the law school, the graduate is required to make an Application to the Supreme Court to be called to practice as an Attorney in Jamaica. During law school there is an internship period where students are expected to align themselves with an Attorney who will guide them over the period on diverse areas of the law.
Jam Sixty: What advice and words of encouragement would you give to someone who aspires
to enter this career path.
English: Go for your goals and never allow anything or anyone to prevent you from accomplishing them.
In moments of doubt, pause and reflect on the reason you started this path. Trust God, study smart, and respect everyone you meet.
Jam Sixty: Can you name a few resources that can aid in providing information for someone
who plans to enter this career path in Jamaica.
- Read positive books
- Get a mentor
- Consult Faculty Advisors at the University of the West Indies
- Attend UWI Career Expo
- Consult student Representatives on the Mona Law Society Executive
After hearing what the process entails based on Shantal English’s experience, one can assess if they would be willing to pursue a career as an Attorney-at-Law. Is this something you are truly passionate about and do you possess the character traits that are aligned with completing law school?
Locating the law school that interests you

Decide whether you will attend school in Jamaica, or somewhere else in the Caribbean. The Norman Manley Law School is the only law school located on the island. There are two sibling schools located in Trinidad and Tobago and the Bahamas. For those who wish to become Attorneys-at-Law in Jamaica, it is necessary that you complete certain requirements if your school is not located in the Caribbean.
Apply to the law school you prefer
For all necessary information it is important to contact the Caribbean Council of Legal Examination (CLE). They administer the regional entrance exams. .
Successfully complete the two-year program by attending law school. Classes in the first year include criminal procedure and advocacy. The second year includes courses in conveyancing and registration, accounting and technology, law of succession, and law office management. After graduation, the CLE will award you a legal education certificate.
The Jamaican Bar Association (JBA)

The following requirements are required to become a member of the Jamaican Bar Association (JBA). You will need to be submitted by a lawyer with at least five year experience and membership in JBA. This court application will attest your sound character. Once you are accepted, your name will be added to the JBA and you can legally practice on the island.
A six-month conversion program is required if you are a graduate of a Caribbean law college. Simply apply to Norman Manley Law School. After you are accepted, you will be able take the following courses; constitutional law, law and Legal Systems, criminal procedure and law office administration, accounting and technology. Students must attend a court attendance program during the course, and get practical experience at a legal aid clinic. After completion, you will be awarded a legal education certificate. You must also become a member to practice in Jamaica.